Features Page 7


All the latest features from the editors

Future of in-car audio

Future of in-car audio: Silentium’s ANC technology

Our video interview with Anthony Manias, Head of Automotive at Silentium. Enjoy!
ZeroLight interview

ZeroLight interview: How has technology changed the automotive industry?

Our video interview with Francois de Bodinat, ZeroLight’s Chief Product Officer. Enjoy!
Volkswagen e-up! rear design

Greener driving: Five ways to reduce your vehicle’s emissions

Many countries have experienced several months of lockdown this year, and the International Energy Agency's Global Energy Review for 2020 has predicted that this...
Alejandro Agag

Interview with Alejandro Agag, CEO of Extreme E

Continental is a founding partner and, as of 2021, the premium sponsor of the Extreme E series. The technology company will equip all vehicles...
Car charging EV

Paving the way to net-zero with EV adoption

In the UK, greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from road transport made up around a fifth of the UK’s total GHG emissions in 2017. Transport...

Sara Price discusses Extreme E & Women in Motorsport

Our video interview with Sara Price, a professional racing driver & owner of SP Enterprises. Enjoy!
UK car plant

Can hybrid cars be recycled?

With the global shift towards more eco-friendly living, the popularity of electric and hybrid cars is on the rise. Due to some of their...

Alexander Sims discusses his journey into Formula E & sustainability

Our video interview with Alexander Sims, a professional racing driver, who represents Mahindra Racing in Season 7 of Formula E. Enjoy!
Universal Robots Cars

The race is on to level up EV manufacturing

Today’s industries are dramatically changing, none more so than the automotive sector, which appears to be trapped in a catch-22 situation. On one hand,...

Mikaela Ahlin-Kottulinsky discusses Extreme E & Women in Motorsport

Our video interview with Mikaela Ahlin-Kottulinsky, a professional racing driver & Extreme E test driver. Enjoy!

